Lebenshilfe Braunschweig
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general principle

01_Who we are

The Lebenshilfe Braunschweig is a recognised self-help organisation for aid to the handicapped. Our activities are focused on people with handicaps.
Their individual needs determine what we do.

To this end, we maintain local institutions and develop help for all ages.

The handicapped as well as their parents, our staff members and sponsors co-operate as partners, either on a voluntary or a salaried basis.

02_What we started from

In 1960, the Lebenshilfe Braunschweig was established on the initiative of several parents who had mentally handicapped children.

They were committed to helping their children so that they would be able to live in community.

03_What we believe in

Our guiding rule is respect for the dignity of man and human life on its own merits.

Anybody with a handicap has an equal right to participate in the community’s social activities.

04_How we care for and assist people

We believe that self-determination is a fundamental right of every human being. Therefore, we offer assistance, stimulation and consultancy in order to enable handicapped people to voice their opinions, contribute their ideas, and join in.

05_How we work together and deal with each other

Our objectives are agreed by joint decision, and we work with clear rules. We treat each other fairly and are at all times ready to help.

Our commitment and our qualifications for the job enable us to meet our aims.

06_How we ensure quality

Top performance in all areas and at all levels of our activities is crucial for the existence of the Lebenshilfe Braunschweig. We review our activities on a regular basis and develop forward-looking concepts.

07_How we run our organisation

We are reliable partners and use our financial resources in the best way possible to complete our mission. To this end, we have modern organisational and decision-making structures.

08_How we promote our ideas

We speak up for our ideas in society. We get ourselves involved in organisations and associations. We hope to serve as a model organisation and inspire others with our ideas.